I am excited to be a guest participant in the Spring 2021 One Room Challenge! 

You may be wondering, just what is the One Room Challenge? Well it is not a competition, it’s just the opposite. It is an online design event, a celebration of creativity, during which 20 featured designers and guest participants alike transform an individual space of their choice. 

I have chosen to transform a former guest bedroom into a studio/office. This project is special to me because it will be my personal getaway space within my home, a space where I can design, create art, and feel inspired. This being my personal space it will be infused with elements that speak to me. Although a small space it will be packed with personality!

I will be posting my progress here and on my Instagram page, so come along with me and the other participants on this eight week journey of creativity and inspiration. Let’s all be inspired together!

4 thoughts on “ONE ROOM CHALLENGE WEEK 1”

  1. The room is very captivating! I see elements and textures of different countries speaking to me. This theme suits the space all year around. Excellent Job!!

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